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Thursday, November 22, 2001 3:20 EST
M= Mix 99.9 staff
A= Amanda Marshall
L= Lori girl who wins stuff;)
M: How are you?
A: I'm doing alright, how are you doing?
M: I'm fine. Everybody around here is raving about the brand new cd, Everybody's got a story, available to our friends in the united states, who have the day off today, everyone's calling about it. When are they going to be able to get it?
A: uh, the single comes out January 8 2002 I believe, and the record is out February 23, 2002.
M: So a little ways away
A: A little ways, but we'll be there very soon
M: Now there's a show coming up at the Palais Royale, now all these things you're doing across the country are very small intimate things right
A: They are, they're previews
M: just the fans, right
A: They're little previews, we're going to do the big tour in January
M: Ok, so Amanda, she came in with a pair of tickets for you to win. You ok with the trivia question?
A: I'm okay with it, yes
M: So by the time we're finished our little conversation, she's gonna ask you a trivia question, and you can call in, and if you have the correct answer, the tickets are yours
A: ok
M: Ok. Now, enough about the cd
M: That was just totally drawn out. Right, cause we just went into soo much depth about that one. Lets talk cheese
We've had conversations before, but I've never had a chance to ask you this.
How do you deal with your hair? I know that sounds really gay for me to ask that, but (laughter), well the second gay question I'm going to ask you is where you get your clothes
A: ok, haha, fantastic!
M: ok, but the first gay question is how do you deal with your hair? It is like this big and its incredibly huge
A: But it's not today! …kinda mumbles something I can't really hear, sorry, the quality of this tape isn't the bestJ Something about the beads in her hair…..
M: But, in the morning, when you wake up, is it like this huge mop thing or do you have to spend 5 hours on it to get it all sorted out?
A: No, no, you know what, it's it's, I'm the biggest hair dork. And I'm so lucky that I have hair that doesn't require high maintenance at all. All I have to do is like comb it, and be reasonably nice to it, condition it once in a while, and I don't even really wash it that much either
M: Did you really have to tell me you don't wash it?
A: I'm telling ya!! Hey, listen, girls, and guys too, with curly hair, responds better to less you know, maintenance. Less washing, the less you wash, the nicer it will be to you. That's my tip of the day
M: ok. So. Clothes. (laughter) do you do your own shopping or do you pay someone to shop for you?
A: A little of both
M: Really?
A: No, no. I do most of my own shopping. I dig shopping
M: Ok, and is there a particular place or?
A: bargain
M: what?
A: cheap
M: You're a bargain girl…you go for the cheap stuff
Where do you go in town?
A: Everywhere. When I'm here, Value Village is my best friend
I'm like a total bargain shopper. Like anything under $3, I'm in! Garage sale, I'm there!
M: You'll buy it just because its cheap
A: And I will tell anyone, this shirt? Two bucks! This hat? nine dollars.
Thank-you very much. The whole outfit? Fourteen bucks, right here. Underwear included.
M: (laugher) Did you have to say that too? My God.
Now, I don't want to be the party down here, but it almost demands to be asked. Now, since September 11th, has anything changed at all? Have you traveled?
A: uh, it changed everybody, um
M: But with respects to your movements in the world
A: Well, I've been reasonably fortunate, I was actually in town when it happened, um it was really disturbing, actually I was on the phone with a friend, who lives about 4 blocks from ground zero, she and her husband just bought a beautiful loft down there, her husband was out of town, and she was crying and saying, you know, its snowing ash outside, and I'm all alone, and I don't know what to do; I was really lucky. I was here, I haven't had to travel since, I'm about to travel, in about 2 weeks time, to the US. And, you know, I'm thinking about it, just like everybody else is. And you know, I think you have to decide, you know, what you're cool with, and what you're not, and uh, I think I'm okay. I'm going to New York in a couple of weeks and I'm just kind of, I'm building up to it, I think I'm going to be alright.
M: And have you done anything differently? Like, do you think a different way as far as decisions and that go?
A: Well, I mean, I think it made everybody think a lot more about what you hold dear. And what's really important right now, I'm really really fortunate because I was kind of already there, I was already on the brink of thinking about that, this record has done a lot of that for me, and I'm not using that in any way, certaintly not using September 11th to promote the idea of the record, or the record itself. My point is it just kinda drove that home for me. I was actually at home, I was working out, I was running, and I'm listening to the radio, you guys in fact
M: Chuck, wanna use that as a plug?
A: And I got home, and I just remembered thinking, because everyone was talking about it, and I hadn't seen it, and I started flipping through the radio, and various radio stations had CNN feed going, and I was like `it can't be as bad as they're making it out to be' and I got home and I turned the tv on and I was like `oh, my God'
So, it, it changed everything. It changed everybody. And its horrible but, you know, we'll get through it.
M: Well, you know, a cd like this has changed perspective for a lot of people, there's some positive stuff on it too, and this one, this one, you wrote with Peter Asher and Billy Mann
A: mhmm
M: So those of you that think `she's just beautiful and can sing' she can also write a hell of a song
Ok, so this is the title track from Amanda Marshall's `Everybody's Got A Story', first caller through, have you thought of your trivia question?
A: I have
M: Go
A: Ok, I am a product of a biracial marriage, (music starts, she speeds up talking, very funny), my mother's from a country, where is she from, its not Canada.
M: Alright
A: hmm..haha
M: Alright, now you go `I'm Amanda Marshall, here's Everybody's Got A Story, on the Mix 99.9'
A: (she says this really fast cause the music's been going for a while, too funny)
Ok, I'm Amanda Marshall, here's Everybody's got a story on mix 999
M: No, no!
A: (says really fast)
Here's everybody's got a story,…….on Mix 99 9 (says last bit like radio announcer)
M: excellent!
~ Song plays ~
M: Now, the voice of Amanda Marshall
A: hi?
L: Hi
M: You've reached Fred's Chicken Shack, how may I help you?
L: HI, I'm calling about the trivia question?
I'm trying to guess where Amanda's mother is from…..
*background…'oh no, that's too bad'
M: ok
Ok, so she doesn't know where your mom is from
L: Ok, umm, Jamaica?
M: ooh, you're so close
L: Trinidad??
M: ooohhh even closer, and you win
L: Is that it?
Did I win?
A: I like her! Give her the tickets!!
M: Yes, that's it!!!
L: Is that it?
A: That is it
…yay..people rejoice…
M: What's your name
L: Oh, it's Lori
M: ok
L: spelt L-o-r-i
M: (laughter) and your last name??
L: Oh! Um Atwood
M: Lori Atwood, you win two tickets to Amanda's show
Say goodnight to Amanda
Everyone: goodnight Amanda
And that's it……………….hope ya enjoyed;)
…the guy radio dude was kinda rude….anywho…hmm Good interview nonetheless, glad he asked some of those questions, coo-l;)
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